Oashore, Banks PeninsulaSurvey and Monitoring
- Threatened species surveys, monitoring and assessment with management options
- Baseline ecological assessment; terrestrial or aquatic
- Assessment of invertebrate diversity and its significance
- Full annotated species lists arranged taxonomically
- Assessment of environmental effects (AEE) and mitigation options
- Sampling of particular invertebrate groups, e.g. Coleoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Plecoptera or Hemiptera
- Appropriate invertebrate sampling techniques such as pitfall traps, light traps, hand searches, Malaise traps and litter and soil extraction
- Standard and repeatable survey methods
- Multiple sampling events throughout seasons/ years
- Long-term monitoring
- Experimental design matched to the goals of the study and available funds
Data Analysis and Reporting
Analysis of invertebrate data using up-to-date statistical methods
- Interpretation and professional presentation of data
- Description of invertebrate species and community present
- Identification of threatened, rare, uncommon and novel species
- Determination of the significance of invertebrate populations
- Identification of important invertebrate habitats and their extent
- Identification of introduced species and their significance
- Pest management plans
Selected Projects
Invertebrates of Tekapo Military Training Area, Mackenzie District
- Lepidoptera of the Waitohi River shrublands, North Canterbury
- Threatened invertebrates of Banks Peninsula and Kaitorete Spit
- Ecological survey of Mt Watkin Scenic Reserve, Otago
- Assessment of effects of wind farm construction and operation, Southland
- Assessment of effects of hydroelectric development, Rakaia River, Canterbury
- Statistical analysis of invertebrate data from Rakiura (Stewart Island) and Coromandel
- Argentine ant control plan, Rotorua
- Ecology and protection of threatened grass moths in the Mackenzie Basin
- Survival and movement of translocated Powelliphanta augusta and an analysis of their habitat, North Westland