- Ecological assessments
- Surveys and mapping of vegetation and fauna
- Proposed land subdivision, quarries, roads, power generation, forestry, and other land uses
- Reports and advice
- Expert evidence for hearings and appeals
- Resource Management Act assessments of effects
- Resource Consents
- Independent ecological advice to councils and hearings commissioners
Ecological assessment of Rangitaiki River bank repairs at the tailrace of the Matahina Power StationWildland Consultants Ltd has undertaken many ecological assessments for AEEs, for a wide range of proposed developments. This includes forestry operations, wind farms, quarries, roading, landfills, subdivisions, a gas pipeline, geothermal power stations, gold mining, sand mining, water supply dams and reservoirs, walking tracks, monorails, tunnels, back-county tourism developments, mangrove management in estuaries, regional prisons, hydro-electricity generation (monitoring of existing operations and assessments of proposed development), marinas and other coastal structures, and other land uses. These assessments have included surveys of vegetation, threatened plants, avifauna, herpetofauna (lizards and frogs), fish, and invertebrates.