President: Sarah Beadel (Ph: 07 345 5912, Email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content])
Vice President: Paul Cashmore (Ph: 027 205 1922 (mob), Email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content])
Secretary: Elizabeth Miller (Ph: 07 343 5613, Email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content])
Treasurer: Martin Pearce (Ph: 07 349 1929 Email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content])
Co-Editor: Matt Buys (Ph: 07 343 5609, Email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content])
Co-Editor: Elizabeth Miller (Ph: 07 343 5613, Email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content])
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Jacqui Bond, Jo Bonner, Gael Donaghy, Rob Fairley, John Hobbs, Graeme Jane, Angela McQuillan.
Regional Rep - Eastern BOP: Jo Bronner (Ph: 07 308 0411 Email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content])
Regional Rep - Western BOP: Graeme Jane (Ph: 07 570 3123 Email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content])
Address for Correspondence
c/-The National Forest Herbarium
Scion, Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park
Private Bag 3020
Rotorua 3046
The objectives of the Society are “to further knowledge of field botany in the central North Island”, to which end we hold field trips at least ten times per year; at least one of these trips being a long weekend away to some place of special interest.
Field Trips
Trips are normally on the first weekend of the month, in order not to clash with the Auckland Botanical Society to which some of our members also belong. The choice of Saturday or Sunday is at the discretion of the leader, although Sunday is probably the most popular. The numbers attending usually range from 5 to 15, occasionally more, and normally do not require a high standard of fitness. If the trip is expected to be strenuous this would be stated in the program, however if in doubt discuss the requirements with the leader beforehand.
Departure is normally from the Convention Centre car park, Fenton Street, Rotorua (near the Police Station), with an alternative meeting place nearer the venue for those coming from out of town. However, if numbers are small we sometimes arrange to meet at a member’s home to pool transport and save time. With this in mind we request that participants ring to advise the leader in advance.
On trips, emphasis is given to pooling our knowledge between experts and beginners alike. We believe that everyone has something to offer and much is to be gained by sharing our experience.
Ecological Restoration Project
In addition to this, the society is involved in an ecological restoration project focusing on mistletoe recovery at Lake Okareka in conjunction with other organisations. The society’s input into this project is currently focused on a weed control programme with work days held several times per year.
The Society produces an A5 “Newsletter” at approximately 6 monthly intervals containing field trip reports and formal reports on matters of scientific and botanical interest plus trip schedules and events information.
The annual subscription, which includes family membership, is $20.00.
To Join
To join, print the form on the printer-friendly application form (PDF, 34.12 kB), and send it to the address listed on the bottom of that page.
$20.00 per annum, due on 30 June, payable to the Treasurer.